We understand the need for face-to-face training in our classrooms to ensure the courses’ quality delivery amid the pandemic. To comply with government regulations and keep everyone safe from COVID-19, we have decided to take the following precautions:
- We will thoroughly clean the classrooms and other public spaces on campus.
- Items that require contact (doorknobs, glasses, utensils, equipment) will be cleaned regularly.
- We will enforce social distancing regulations on the premises by ensuring students are at least one seat apart in classrooms.
You can also check our policy for COVID in our policies and procedures page.
We also advise all students to observe proper hygiene etiquette, avoid physical contact, and always wash their hands. Should you feel unwell prior to any classes, we recommend you not attend and inform us through email (enquiries@tradecraftacademy.com.au) or a phone call (0431 015 350 or 0407 808 861).
For students arriving in Australia from overseas, please note the requirements mentioned here in the Australian Government’s Department of Health’s website.
Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions. We will inform you the soonest of any changes.
Tradecraft Academy