This is a page for Demos and talking points to check with vendors....

Questions for aXcelerate

  1. It appears every instance box add six seconds load time to a page. Is there a way to improve website performance while maintaining enrolment buttons.
  2. Please help clean up courses and contacts we need to consolidate all emerging records and delete both contacts and courses systems IDs. Do we need to delete notes, enrolments, passports and other documents, enquiries, invoices and enrolments.
  3. Does the enquiries form create new contacts for billing and enrolments?
  4. How do we correctly create aXcelerate Users and clean up the ones we have? For example, my user has Harlan’s email.
  5. We’ve created our own forms now, are there any tricks or tips for these to be done better?

Here is the ax Course List

Certificate 3 in Carpentry 1 year October 2023


White Card Workshop


Cert III in Carpentry1 Year Weekend


Cert III in Carpentry1 Year Weekday


Cert III in Carpentry: (CRICOS)2 Year


Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Domestic)


Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)Domestic


Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)CRICOS


Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)


Sample Enroll Instance Box

CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry which is a course (P) and has ID of 57877

Directly below shows the results of that box, and we only showed the International Button.  And it shows:

  • Instance Box Short Code Is: “ax_course_details course_type=p course_id=57877”
  • “ax_course_instance_list”
  • “ax_course_details”

Upcoming Programs

NameStart DateEnd DateCostInternational
Cert III in Carpentry: 2 YEAR – (2024-2025) – July IntakeSat, 6 Jul 2024Mon, 25 May 2026$24,995.00
Cert III in Carpentry: 2 YEAR – (2025-2026) – Jan IntakeSat, 25 Jan 2025Mon, 14 Dec 2026$24,995.00

Instance Box Groupings

Workshop Instance Box Groupings – see “Groupings Demo Page

Workshop Fields Shown in Instance Box like:
Name, Date, Time, Location, Available Spaces, Cost, Enroll Button; Enquire Link (in table)
ax_course_instance_name; datedescriptor; starttime-finishtime; location; vacancy; cost; box, link

Group 1: Non-Accredited Workshops DIYs x3 Workshops (84002, 84003, 84004)

  • Show DIY Workshops using diy-domestic-enrolment-form

Group 2: Accredited Workshops White Card x1 (Dom & Int’l) Workshop (82081)

  • Show White Card Workshops using Domestic and CRICOS Enrolment Forms

Qualification (Not Workshops) Instance Box Groupings

2 Accredited Instance Box Groupings

Group 3: Accredited International Qualifications (only Course ID 57877, 57895, *56390) (*same course for Dom&Int)

  • Show International Qualification Courses using cricos-enrolment-form

Group 4: Accredited Domestic Qualifications (only Course IDs 56373, 58465, 56389, *56390, 56391) (*same course for Dom&Int)

  • Show Domestic Qualification Courses using domestic-enrolment-form
Default view as a base but:
  • have dates appear formatted as date_format=”D, j M Y”
  • Show an Enquire LINK in an end column to right of Enroll Button.

2 Go over with Luke - Contact Management on aXcelerate admin portal

Second topic:

FYI: Millie gave us info to purge contacts that have been put into the database via tests.

  1. We asked 6 questions, and we are fine with 5 of the 6 answers.  No problems.
  2. On the 6th answer, in your own words, yes, we are stuck… so we need a bit of Luke’s time on a zoom call.

Answer provide on contacts clean-up (but a lot of moving parts for our skill level):

Our UAT test posted to the live instance of Axclerate… leaving more orphan data than we are comfortable with keeping.

So our hands-on sessions would be to:

  • Learn risks, and good practices on housecleaning safely in future
  • if we can create multiple mistaken records in UAT, so will students, or even spam bots..
    • The relationships between students, enquiries aka notes, and portfolio data is connected.
    • It makes even the slightest effort to clear these records complicated…
    • Merging contact records is also something I noticed.
  • In similar ways, creation and management of system users seems to be related.
    • Even our system users list has discrepancies, between user name and email, see “Harlan Webber”

I don’t think these updates should be limited to our advanced users (Kirsten)
– But I do think these are things we need to know, even if only for experts.

And I see that James Perry-Keene System User ID has Harlan Webber’s email address, so we can’t even add/update an admin user correctly.