Questions for aXcelerate
Here is the ax Course List
Sample Enroll Instance Box
CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry which is a course (P) and has ID of 57877
Directly below shows the results of that box, and we only showed the International Button. And it shows:
Instance Box Groupings
Workshop Instance Box Groupings – see “Groupings Demo Page“
Workshop Fields Shown in Instance Box like:
Name, Date, Time, Location, Available Spaces, Cost, Enroll Button; Enquire Link (in table)
ax_course_instance_name; datedescriptor; starttime-finishtime; location; vacancy; cost; box, link
Group 1: Non-Accredited Workshops DIYs x3 Workshops (84002, 84003, 84004)
Group 2: Accredited Workshops White Card x1 (Dom & Int’l) Workshop (82081)
Qualification (Not Workshops) Instance Box Groupings
2 Accredited Instance Box Groupings
Group 3: Accredited International Qualifications (only Course ID 57877, 57895, *56390) (*same course for Dom&Int)
Group 4: Accredited Domestic Qualifications (only Course IDs 56373, 58465, 56389, *56390, 56391) (*same course for Dom&Int)
Second topic:
FYI: Millie gave us info to purge contacts that have been put into the database via tests.
Answer provide on contacts clean-up (but a lot of moving parts for our skill level):
Our UAT test posted to the live instance of Axclerate… leaving more orphan data than we are comfortable with keeping.
So our hands-on sessions would be to:
I don’t think these updates should be limited to our advanced users (Kirsten)
– But I do think these are things we need to know, even if only for experts.
And I see that James Perry-Keene System User ID has Harlan Webber’s email address, so we can’t even add/update an admin user correctly.